IFix<C extends IFixContext> |
The fix is intended for fixing problems being detected by some ICheck .
IFixChange |
The single change that is being defined by a specific IFixVariant of a specific IFix
The change is a definition of some model data/language data/resource change that is being defined during
the IFixVariant#prepareChanges() fix performing state.
IFixChangePreviewProvider<CH extends IFixChange> |
Provides the specific preview logic for the given IFixChange .
IFixChangeProcessor<CH extends IFixChange,C extends IFixContext> |
IFixContext |
Context provides the fix'es logic with the source data to locate, analyze and prepare/perform the necessary changes
IFixContextFactory<C extends IFixContext> |
The IFixContext factory that produces the context instances based on the provided marker.
IFixManager |
Quick fix management facility.
IFixProvider |
Provider of quick fixes registered in the system.
IFixRepository |
The fix repository stores all registered fix artifacts, including:
Fixes themselves
Context factories
Fix change processors
Preview providers(???)
IFixSession |
Provides a single point access to the shared data of the fix session (like data access, etc)
IFixVariant<C extends IFixContext> |
A single variant of a multi-variant fix.