Interface IFix<C extends IFixContext>

    • Method Detail

      • getCheckId

        CheckUid getCheckId()
        Gets the check UID the fix is intended to.
        The unique identifier of the check. May not be null
      • getRequiredContextType

        Class<C> getRequiredContextType()
        Gets the required context type
        The type of the context that is required by the fix variant to work. May not be null
      • getVariants

        Collection<IFixVariant<C>> getVariants​(C context,
                                               IFixSession session)
        Gets declared variants for the given fix. Variant applicability may be controlled using the provided context
        The collection of variants. May not be null
      • onRegistration

        void onRegistration​(FixDescriptor fixDescriptor)
        This method is being called by the fix engine during the initialization phase. The developer may register additional fix entitier, like context factories, fix change processors, preview providers which are specific only to this fix
        fixDescriptor - The descriptor of the fix. A fix developer should use it to register fix specific components. May not be null