Interface IDerivedDataPartComputer

    • Method Detail

      • computeForRemovedObject

        default void computeForRemovedObject​(long bmObjectId,
                                             org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass objectEClass,
                                             IPartBasedObjectContext context,
                                             IBmModel bmModel,
                                             org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Computes part of the given object derived data for a removed/non-existing object
        bmObjectId -
        objectEClass -
        context - The context of the DD computation. May not be null
        progressMonitor - Controls the computation of the derived data. Cannot be null
      • compute

        default void compute​(IBmObject bmObject,
                             IPartBasedObjectContext context,
                             org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Computes part of the given object derived data.
        bmObject - Context of the derived data computing. Cannot be null
        context - The context of the DD computation. May not be null
        progressMonitor - Controls the computation of the derived data. Cannot be null
      • getSupportedPartId

        String getSupportedPartId()
        Gets the identifier of the part supported by this computer.
        The unique identifier of the supported part.
      • isSeparateContainmentContextComputation

        default boolean isSeparateContainmentContextComputation()
        States if the computer performs separate calls of compute(IBmObject, IPartBasedObjectContext, IProgressMonitor) for each scheduled containment or use a single call for a context. This flag could be used to perform specific computations which require managed order of the computation for scheduled objects. By default this flag is set to true.
        True if containments are computed within the separate computation calls