Class GraphicalSchemeDerivedDataRemover

    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphicalSchemeDerivedDataRemover

        public GraphicalSchemeDerivedDataRemover()
        Constructs an instance of the remover
    • Method Detail

      • computeForRemovedObject

        public void computeForRemovedObject​(long bmObjectId,
                                            org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass objectEClass,
                                            IPartBasedObjectContext context,
                                            IBmModel bmModel,
                                            org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Description copied from interface: IDerivedDataPartComputer
        Computes part of the given object derived data for a removed/non-existing object
        context - The context of the DD computation. May not be null
        progressMonitor - Controls the computation of the derived data. Cannot be null