Class ExtObjectUpdateContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtObjectUpdateContext

        public ExtObjectUpdateContext​(long bmObjectId,
                                      org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass,
                                      String segmentId,
                                      Object computationCause)
        Creates a new instance of the context.
        bmObjectId - The identifier of the top BM object this context corresponds to
        eClass - The EClass of the of the top BM object this context corresponds to
        segmentId - The identifier of DD segment this context belongs to
        computationCause - The identifier of the sync. session
      • ExtObjectUpdateContext

        public ExtObjectUpdateContext​(Object objectId,
                                      org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass,
                                      String segmentId,
                                      Object computationCause)
        Creates a new instance of the context.
        bmObjectId - The identifier of the top BM object this context corresponds to
        eClass - The EClass of the of the top BM object this context corresponds to
        segmentId - The identifier of DD segment this context belongs to
        computationCause - The identifier of the sync. session
        baseVersion - The base verison of the context
    • Method Detail

      • addFeature

        public void addFeature​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature feature)
        Adds a changed feature to the context.
        feature - The featureset that is changed for this object
      • addFeatures

        public void addFeatures​(Collection<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature> features)
        Adds a collection of changed features to the context
        features - The features to set. May not be null
      • getContainmentContext

        public ExtObjectContainmentUpdateContext getContainmentContext​(IBmObject bmObject)
        Gets context for the containment object.
        bmObject - The object to get context for.
        The specific containment context.
      • getContainmentContext

        public ExtObjectContainmentUpdateContext getContainmentContext​(long bmObjectId)
        Gets context for the containment object.
        bmObjectId - The BM object identifier to get context for.
        The specific containment context.
      • getContainmentContexts

        public Collection<ExtObjectContainmentUpdateContext> getContainmentContexts()
        Gets the collection containment contexts associated with this context.
        The collection of containment contexts.
      • getFeatures

        public Collection<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature> getFeatures()
        Gets the set of DD parts being collected within this context.
        The set of DD parts scheduled for the re-computation.
      • mergeUpdates

        public boolean mergeUpdates​(IObjectDerivedDataContext context)
        Description copied from interface: IObjectDerivedDataContext
        Merges updates into the context. The base version of this context is being updated according to the verison of the provided context
        context - The source of updates. Cannot be null.