Class SingleVariantBasicFix<C extends BasicFixContext>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleVariantBasicFix

        public SingleVariantBasicFix()
    • Method Detail

      • getVariants

        public Collection<IFixVariant<C>> getVariants​(C context,
                                                      IFixSession session)
        Description copied from interface: IFix
        Gets declared variants for the given fix. Variant applicability may be controlled using the provided context
        Specified by:
        getVariants in interface IFix<C extends BasicFixContext>
        The collection of variants. May not be null
      • isFixApplicable

        protected boolean isFixApplicable​(C context,
                                          IFixSession session)
        Checks if the fix is applicable for the given context
        context - The context to check. May not be null
        session - The fix session. May not be null
        True if the context is applicable. False otherwise